AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Graphene and Related Materials Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session GR+NS+PS+SS-ThM

Paper GR+NS+PS+SS-ThM6
Controllable Defect Healing and N-doping of Graphene by CO and NO Molecules

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 9:40 am, Room 208

Session: Graphene: Surface Chemistry, Functionalization, Plasma Processing and Sensor Applications
Presenter: Bin Wang, Vanderbilt University
Authors: B. Wang, Vanderbilt University
S.T. Pantelides, Vanderbilt University and ORNL
Correspondent: Click to Email

Point defects alter strongly the physical and chemical properties of graphene, e.g. they degrade electrical transport and enhance chemical reactivity. Defects could also be used to achieve graphene functionalization, e.g. N atoms, as n-type dopant, can be introduced to obtain n-type graphene. Thus, controllable defect healing and N-doping in graphene would be very valuable for potential device applications. Here we report first-principles molecular dynamic simulations that suggest a procedure for defect healing and N-doping with fast dynamics and low thermal budget. Vacancies in graphene can be healed by sequential exposure to CO and NO molecules. A CO molecule gets adsorbed at a vacancy site and a NO molecule subsequently removes the extra O by forming NO2, which desorbs quickly resulting in a defect-free graphene sheet. Controllable N-doping can be achieved by sequential vacancy creation (e.g. by electron or ion beam) and subsequent exposure to NO molecules at room temperature. NO molecules are trapped at vacancies and other NO molecules remove the extra O atoms simultaneously, leaving N atoms incorporated in graphene. Both reactions (healing and doping) are exothermic. We suggest that a combination of CO and NO molecules can potentially provide simultaneous healing and doping. Adjusting the ratio could fine-tune the N-doping level. The proposed strategy introduces no extra defects and is promising for graphene-based electronic materials in radiation environments. Finally, we propose that NH3, which is normally used in experiments to introduce N atoms, may not be a good choice for N-doping since the dissociated H atoms can be trapped at vacancies and act as impurities that increase the resistivity of graphene.

This work was supported by DTRA Grant No. HDTRA1-10-1-0016 and the William A. and Nancy F. McMinn Endowment at Vanderbilt University. The calculations were performed at ORNL’s Center for Computational Sciences.