AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Graphene and Related Materials Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session GR+NS+PS+SS-ThM

Paper GR+NS+PS+SS-ThM12
Plasma-based Functionalization of Graphene with Primary Amines for Biomaterials Applications

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 11:40 am, Room 208

Session: Graphene: Surface Chemistry, Functionalization, Plasma Processing and Sensor Applications
Presenter: Scott Walton, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Authors: S.G. Walton, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
M. Baraket, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
S.C. Hernandez, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
R. Stine, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
W.K. Lee, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
C.R. Tamanaha, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
P.E. Sheehan, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
J.T. Robinson, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
C.E. Junkermeier, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
T.L. Reinecke, Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Correspondent: Click to Email

Graphene, a sp2-structured monolayer of carbon atoms, has attracted much interest for its fundamental science and its potential in many device applications. By tailoring its surface chemistry, material properties can be regulated and thus broaden the number of potential applications. In this work, we demonstrate that by chemically functionalizing graphene the electrical properties and its interaction with adsorbates may be controlled. Electron beam generated plasmas produced in ammonia-containing gas, is used to controllably introduce nitrogen and primary amines. A study of the chemical, electrical and structural properties of the chemically-modified graphene at different functional group concentrations is discussed. In addition, the use of amine-functionalized graphene as a bio-sensing platform for DNA detection using a field-effect-transistor-based sensor is demonstrated. This work is supported by the Office of the Naval Research.