AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Graphene and Related Materials Focus Topic Thursday Sessions
       Session GR+NS+PS+SS-ThM

Paper GR+NS+PS+SS-ThM11
Enhancing and Controlling the Chemical Reactivity of Epitaxial Graphene via Growth Induced Strain

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 11:20 am, Room 208

Session: Graphene: Surface Chemistry, Functionalization, Plasma Processing and Sensor Applications
Presenter: James Johns, Northwestern University
Authors: J.E. Johns, Northwestern University
Md.Z. Hossain, Gunma University, Japan
M.C. Hersam, Northwestern University
Correspondent: Click to Email

The high electrical and thermal conductivity of graphene, as well as its two dimensional nature, has led to its rapid incorporation into any practical applications including high frequency analog transistors and transparent conductors. However, many other potential applications, such as excitonic switches, psuedospin devices, or digital logic circuits, require covalent chemical modification of graphene. Due to the chemical inertness of its pi bonded network, previous methods for covalently modifying graphene have required extreme, irreversible conditions including acidic treatments, high energy radical polymerization, and ion beam implantation. Here we present an alternative method for increasing the chemical reactivity of graphene by systematically altering the compressive strain of epitaxial graphene (EG) on SiC(0001). Depending on its annealing history, EG has been shown to have a compressive strain of 0% to 1% due to a mismatch of thermal expansion coefficients with the underlying buffer layer and silicon carbide substrate. Using differing thermal treatments, we show that the amount of strain in EG can be tailored, as verified by characteristic peak shifts of the 2D Raman band. The resulting chemical reactivity of the strained EG is studied at the atomic-scale using ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy following reversible gas phase reactions of EG with oxygen and fluorine. These results suggest a new method for controlling the electronic properties of graphene, and provide fundamental insight into the nature of chemical bonding on EG.