AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Energy Frontiers Focus Topic Wednesday Sessions
       Session EN2+TF-WeA

Paper EN2+TF-WeA12
Fabrication of Palladium Nanoscale Structures for Hydrogen Sensing Applications

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 5:40 pm, Room 106

Session: Thin Films for Solar Fuels
Presenter: Wilfredo Otaño, University of Puerto Rico at Cayey and Institute for Functional Nanomaterials
Authors: D. Rodríguez-Vindas, University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras
C. Ortiz, University of Puerto Rico at Cayey
V. Pantojas, University of Puerto Rico at Cayey
W. Otaño, University of Puerto Rico at Cayey and Institute for Functional Nanomaterials
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Palladium (Pd) metal is one of the most prominent materials studied for the detection of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen rapidly dissociates on its surface and diffuses into subsurface layers forming palladium hydride with consequent changes in optical, mechanical and electrical properties that are easily detected. Materials with nanoscale morphologies are promising to improve sensor performance as they provide large surface areas for adsorption, and smaller crystallite size reducing the time needed for “bulk” diffusion. The amount of sites available for hydrogen adsorption per Pd atom is also higher in the surface and subsurface layers resulting in higher sensitivity. In this project, Pd nanoribbons and nanoshells are prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition on top of the mat of polymer fibers, which act as a template that shapes the morphology of the palladium being deposited while providing support to the metallic scaffold that is created. Sputtering is a line-of-sight deposition process and the fibers become a variable angle-substrate for the incoming Pd flux. A larger amount of palladium is deposited on top of the fiber where the incoming flux is perpendicular to the surface compared to the sides where the flux is incident at a glancing angle. The top and sides of the fibers shadow their bottom parts closer to the substrate preventing any substantial deposition there. The end result of the deposition is the formation of Pd nanostructures, thicker in the middle region than at the edges, with a large void network. Process parameters such as deposition time, sputtering pressure, and power can be used to produce nanoshells with different thickness and crystallinity. The high sensitivity and response time shown to 1% or less of hydrogen in nitrogen is understood to result from the reduced dimensions combined with this unique nanostructure. A description will be given of the conductance changes with hydrogen concentration as result of the competing mechanisms of percolation and scattering. This work shows the use of nanotechnology combined with unique processing approaches to produce new sensor geometries with different behavior and morphology than simple thin film or wire approaches.