AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Biofabrication and Novel Devices Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session BN-TuA

Paper BN-TuA4
Production of Functionalized 3D Micro Environment for Cell Culture

Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 3:00 pm, Room 105

Session: Biofabrication Methods and Devices
Presenter: Jakub Nowak, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
Authors: J. Nowak, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
D. Mehn, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
P. Colpo, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
M. Zurn, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
T. Martin, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
F.J. Rossi, European Commission, JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy
Correspondent: Click to Email

One of the main challenges for the robust in-vitro studies is to obtain adaptable 3D culture systems that may mimic the tissue environment. Unfortunately the universal condition used in 2D cell culture techniques may hinder the full functionality of cells and generate misleading results.

Fabrication of firm and flexible micro-structures from organic polymers offers benefits for making smart 3D environments capable of driving cell behavior and surpassing the limitations of the 2D systems. These 3D bio-scaffolds can be employed to study various aspects of cell biology. Furthermore upon functionalization with the extra-cellular matrix proteins or signaling molecules they can be used as platforms for governing stem cell differentiation into the specialized cell types.

Here we present the straightforward approach to generate 3D bio-scaffolds that can facilitate cell growth under controlled geometrical and chemical conditions.

The technique involves UV cross-linking of the polymeric precursors to create the micro-well structures. The geometrical features of the structures are obtained by introducing a physical mask in contact with a liquid precursor, therefore restricting the region of the polymerization. We used PDMS mold as a physical mask to direct the polymerization of the PEG-DA and epoxy based polymers. However the technique can be used with various UV-sensitive polymeric materials.

The chemical and geometrical properties of the structures were characterized by XPS and microscopic techniques.

The features of the scaffolds lead to the development of a geometrically defined neuronal network when applied as platforms in a primary-neuron culture. Cell morphology and expression of the neuronal markers were characterized by fluorescent microscopy.