AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Biomaterial Interfaces Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session BI+AS+NS+SS-WeA

Paper BI+AS+NS+SS-WeA10
Functionalization of Mesoporous Silicon Biosensors to Achieve Tunable DNA Bioreceptor Density

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 5:00 pm, Room 108

Session: Functionalization and Characterization of Nanostructures
Presenter: Jenifer Lawrie, Vanderbilt University
Authors: J. Lawrie, Vanderbilt University
R.R. Harl, Vanderbilt University
B.R. Rogers, Vanderbilt University
P. Laibinis, Vanderbilt University
S.M. Weiss, Vanderbilt University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Porous silicon has become a widely studied material for sensing over the last decade based on its large surface to volume ratio and easily tunable morphology. With growing interest in the detection and analysis of genetic material, DNA oligos have become an increasingly important bio-recognition element in porous silicon and many other sensor platforms. As aptamers, nucleic acids serve as high affinity bioreceptors to a wide range of small molecules and biological materials, opening up a number of potential applications in environmental science, chemical and biological defense, and medical diagnostics. In this work, tuning of the porous silicon surface chemistry is described. Controlling surface silanization, bioreceptor density, and bioreceptor charge and secondary structure enables the fabrication of reusable, label-free optical sensors toward specific nucleic acid targets. Detection limits in the nanomolar range have been demonstrated.

We have previously shown that in situ DNA synthesis via the phosphoramidite method in porous silicon produces high bioreceptor coverage for label-free optical biosensing applications. Low hybridization efficiency, despite high sensitivity, for such sensors indicated that tuning the receptor surface density could further improve detection limits. To modify surface receptor density, two-component trichlorosilane monolayers were deposited from solution onto porous silicon. One monolayer component remained active to phosphoramidite chemistry while the second component was inert. This method enabled a range of surface probe densities to be achieved and controlled via silanization conditions. Monolayer composition and DNA receptor density were verified using XPS, contact angle, and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. For a 16mer DNA oligo bound within a porous silicon waveguide, detection of the complementary target nucleic acid was maximized when 25% of the internal pore surface area was active toward DNA synthesis. Tuning surface DNA density increases sensitivity by a factor of 2-3. Label-free, target-specific detection of oligos was observed at concentrations of 25nM.

We will present results from hybridization efficiency studies in which DNA bioreceptor surface density, length, and secondary structure are varied. These parameters are vital to nucleic acid aptamer sensing strategies in label-free optical biosensors. Predicting appropriate receptor surface density for aptamer sensors based upon oligo sequences will provide advantages in achieving fast and sensitive waveguide sensors for detection in complex media.

Acknowledgements: This work is supported in part by the Army Research Office (W911NF-08-1-0200).