AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Nanometer-scale Science and Technology | Tuesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
NS-TuP1 Fabrication and Characterization of Piezoelectric Polymer Nanostructure D. Kim, Y.-Y. Choi, H.W. Choi, M. Han, M. Park, G. Ahn, K. No, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea |
NS-TuP2 Uniform Printing of PEG Hydrogel Arrays by Dip-Pen Nanolithography® J.-W. Jang, P.L. Stiles, S.R. Nettikadan, NanoInk Inc. |
NS-TuP3 Localized Surface Plasmons and Hot Spots from the Interstitial Sites in Linear Nano-Hole Array Structures of Gold Revealed by Near-Field Two-Photon Excitation S.I. Kim, KAIST, Republic of Korea, K. Imura, Institute for Molecular Science, Japan, S. Sehun Kim, KAIST, Republic of Korea, H. Okamoto, Institute for Molecular Science, Japan |
NS-TuP4 Band and Dielectric Discontinuities of the Si1-xGex/Si1-yCy Superlattices T. Ohsugi, J. Nakamura, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC-Tokyo), Japan |
NS-TuP5 Single Domain Homogeneous Monolayer at the Water/Oil Interface and its Application for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering S.I. Kim, P.S. Fabien, H. Song, S. Kim, KAIST, Republic of Korea |
NS-TuP6 Synthesis of Ge Nanostructures by Reactive RF Sputtering A. Hernández-Hernández, F.J. De Moure-Flores, J.G. Quiñones-Galvan, K.E. Nieto-Zepeda, J. Santoyo-Salazar, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico, V.T. Rangel-Kuoppa, T. Plach, Johannes Kepler Universitat, Austria, M.A. Melendez-Lira, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico |
NS-TuP7 Spinel MxCo3-xO4 Nanoparticles: Facile Low Temperature Solution Synthesis and Characterization D. Davis, M. Bencomo, T.N. Lambert, P. Lu, S. Limmer, W.G. Yelton, Sandia National Laboratories |
NS-TuP8 UV Induced Synthesis and XPS Characterization of Gold Nanoparticle-PMMA Composites E. Yilmaz, S. Suzer, Bilkent University, Turkey |
NS-TuP9 Fabrication of Ordered Nanodot Arrays Utilizing Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template Formed on Si Substrate N.Y. Kwon, N.K. Kim, J.K. Yeon, G.Y. Yeom, I.S. Chung, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea |
NS-TuP10 On the Photoluminescence of Zn2GeO4 Nanorods Synthesized by a Simple Solution Route M.Y. Tsai, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, Republic of China, T.P. Perng, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Republic of China |
NS-TuP12 Controlled Hybrid Bioactive Nanostructures by Integrating Gold Nanoparticles and Peroxidase to the ssDNA Nanotemplate M.-Y. Lin, F.H. Ho, Y.S. Yang, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, Republic of China |
NS-TuP13 Magnetic Properties of Fe–O Nanonetworks C.V. Ramana, C.G. Franco, K.K. Bharathi, University of Texas at El Paso |
NS-TuP14 Charge Transport across Phosphonate Molecular Wire-Indium Tin Oxide Junctions D.M. Rampulla, J.G. Kushmerick, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NS-TuP16 Extreme Luminescent Signature of Coalesced CdxZn1-xSe Quantum-Rod Alloys M. Plaisant, P.H. Holloway, University of Florida |
NS-TuP17 Au-catalyzed Self Assembly of Ge-Sb-Te Nanowires by Metalorganic Chemical Vapour Deposition M.L. Longo, C. Wiemer, O. Salicio, R. Fallica, CNR-IMM, Italy, M. Fanciulli, CNR-IMM and University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, L. Lazzarini, L. Nasi, E. Rotunno, CNR-IMEM, Italy |
NS-TuP19 Folate Functionalized Hollow Silica Nanoshells: Synthesis, Characterization and Application as an Intracellular Delivery Container A. Liberman, S. Sandoval, J. Yang, S. Aschemeyer, J.G. Alfaro, D. Martin, M. Makale, A.C. Kummel, W.C. Trogler, University of California, San Diego |
NS-TuP20 New Insights to Coarsening Phenomena and Nanoparticle-Mediated Surface Patterning: Pt/TiO2(110) F. Behafarid, A. Naitabdi, B. Roldan, University of Central Florida |
NS-TuP21 Some Effects of Iron Doping on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles D. González-Sánchez, J.L. González-Solís, G. Toríz, C.R. Michel-Uribe, G. Gómez-Rosas, A. Pérez-Centeno, M.A. Santana-Aranda, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico |
NS-TuP22 Study on High-Current-Density CNT Field Emitter: Current Enhancement with Titanium Micro-powders V. Chouhan, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan, T. Noguchi, KEK-High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan, H.R. Liu, Mie University, Japan, S. Kato, KEK-High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan |
NS-TuP23 Role of the pH Obtaining Microstructures and Size-Controlled SnO2 Nanocrystals by the Precipitation Method C.E. Marín-Pineda, M.A. Santana-Aranda, C.R. Michel-Uribe, G. Gómez-Rosas, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, O.E. Contreras-López, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, A. Pérez-Centeno, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico |
NS-TuP25 Nanoscale Roughness Analysis through System Evaluation by Atomic Force Microscopy C.Y. Su, Y.H. Lin, S.S. Pai, P.L. Chen, N.N. Chu, C.C. Yang, C.C. Chen, M.H. Shiao, Instrument Technology Research Center, NRL, Taiwan, Republic of China |
NS-TuP27 Comparative Study on the Properties of ZnO Nanowires and Nanocrystalline Thin Films E. Broitman, Carnegie Mellon University, C. Bojorge, CINSO-CITEFA-CONICET, Argentina, F. Elhordoy, V. Kent, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, G. Zanini Gadioli, Carnegie Mellon University, R.E. Marotti, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, H. Canepa, CINSO-CITEFA-CONICET, Argentina, E.A. Dalchiele, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay |
NS-TuP28 Effects of Surface-Sulfurization on Field Emission Characteristics of Al-doped ZnO Nanorods T. Hirate, T. Kanesiro, T. Satoh, Kanagawa University, Japan |