AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Electronic Materials and Processing | Tuesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
EM-TuP1 Indium Nitride Epilayer Prepared by UHV- Plasma-Assisted Metalorganic Molecule Beam Epitaxy W.-C. Chen, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, S.-Y. Kuo, Chang Gung University, Taiwan, F.-I. Lai, H.-Y. Wang, W.-T. Lin, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan, C.N. Hsiao, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan |
EM-TuP2 The Relationship between Surface Termination and Crystal Structure for HPCVD-grown InN Layers A.R. Acharya, M. Buegler, S. Gamage, Georgia State University, J.S. Tweedie, R. Collazo, North Carolina State University, N. Dietz, B.D. Thoms, Georgia State University |
EM-TuP3 Rapid Thermal Ex-Situ Activation and Effect on Contacts to p-type GaN J.H. Melby, L. Huang, R.F. Davis, L.M. Porter, Carnegie Mellon University |
EM-TuP4 Investigation of Crystal Structure and Optical Properties of Cd1-xMnxS Epilayers D.J. Kim, Y.D. Choi, Mokwon University, Republic of Korea, J.W. Lee, Hanbat University, Republic of Korea |
EM-TuP5 Photovoltaic Characteristics of Sputtering-Deposited CdTe Thin Film Solar Cell by Hydrogen Doping Treatment C.-H. Lim, S.-H. Ryu, J.-S. Park, Chosun University, Republic of Korea, N.-H. Kim, Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea, G.-B. Cho, W.-S. Lee, Chosun University, Republic of Korea |
EM-TuP6 Crystal Structure Analyses of Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-Pentacene Nanofilms Deposited on OTS-SAM and Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Surfaces S. Kim, S. Choi, Paichai University, Republic of Korea, C. Yu, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Republic of Korea, T. Kim, Paichai University, Republic of Korea, J.-H. Boo, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea |
EM-TuP7 Atomic Imaging of Monolayer Nucleation of Atomic Layer Deposition Precursors W. Melitz, J. Shen, J. Clemens, E. Chagarov, A.C. Kummel, University of California at San Diego |
EM-TuP8 Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Zn1-xMnxO Hollow Nanospheres D.R. Liu, T.C. Wu, Y.C. Yeh, W.H. Cho, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan |
EM-TuP9 Fringing Field effects of Different Size Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) Active Layers Thin Film Transistors J. Noh, S. Kwon, J.H. Noh, University of Tennessee, P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
EM-TuP10 Optical Constant Measurements and Relation to Substrate Currents of Dielectric Layers under Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiation D.B. Straight, H. Sinha, J. Lauer, University of Wisconsin-Madison, N.C. Fuller, S.U. Engelmann, Y. Zhang, IBM Research, G.A. Antonelli, Novellus Systems, Inc., Y. Nishi, Stanford University, J.L. Shohet, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
EM-TuP11 Resistive Switching in Big Band Gap Material- beta -Ga2O3 S.X. Zheng, T.C. Lovejoy, University of Washington, V. Garcia, S. Ueda, NIMS, Japan, A. Pakhomov, M.A. Olmstead, F.S. Ohuchi, University of Washington |
EM-TuP12 Mass Fabrication of TiO2-based Resistive Switching Arrays by Step and Flash Imprint Lithography K.D. Kim, D.K. Yun, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Republic of Korea, H.Y. Jeong, ETRI, Republic of Korea, J.H. Lee, J.H. Jeong, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Republic of Korea, S.Y. Choi, ETRI, Republic of Korea, H.H. Park, KANC, Republic of Korea, J.H. Choi, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Republic of Korea |
EM-TuP15 Nanoparticle-enhanced Multilayered Thin Film Cooling Devices M. Hines, C. Cochran, Z. Xiao, Alabama A&M University |