AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Applied Surface Science | Tuesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | AS-TuM1 Invited Paper Recent Developments in Quantitative XPS and AES C.J. Powell, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
9:00am | AS-TuM4 Photovoltage, Photoconductivity and Charging Probed by Dynamical XPS Measurements S. Suzer, Bilkent University, Turkey |
9:20am | AS-TuM5 Order-Disorder Transition for Corrugated Au Layers K. Fukutani, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, N. Lozova, Louisiana State University, S.M. Zuber, University of Wroclaw, Poland, N. Wu, P.A. Dowben, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, P. Galiy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, Y.B. Losovyj, Louisiana State University |
9:40am | AS-TuM6 Surface Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles and Their Interaction with Protein G B1 Domain S. Techane, L. Baugh, L.J. Gamble, P.S. Stayton, University of Washington, D.R. Baer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, D.G. Castner, University of Washington |
11:00am | AS-TuM10 Charging Compensation Method in XPS with Positive Voltage and Low Energy Electron Beam M. Shima, K. Tsutsumi, T. Tazawa, JEOL Ltd., Japan |
11:20am | AS-TuM11 Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Characterization of a Hybrid Ti-Si Sol-Gel J.L. Fenton, G. Mitchell, Y. Srivastava, Y.Q. Rao, B. Weaver, R. Auger, The Dow Chemical Company |