AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session SS2-TuM

Paper SS2-TuM4
Pattern Formation of Arenes and their Derivates on Cu(111)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 9:00 am, Room Santa Ana

Session: Aromatic Molecular Films
Presenter: D.Z. Sun, University of California at Riverside
Authors: D.Z. Sun, University of California at Riverside
D.H. Kim, University of California at Riverside
Z.H. Cheng, University of California at Riverside
Y.M. Zhu, University of California at Riverside
W.H. Lu, University of California at Riverside
M. Luo, University of California at Riverside
S. Hong, University of Central Florida
T.S. Rahman, University of Central Florida
L. Bartels, University of California at Riverside
Correspondent: Click to Email

Intermolecular force plays an important role in self-assembly and surface pattern formation. Unsubstituted arenes, such as anthracene, attach to a metallic substrate predominantly through van der Waals interaction leading to substrate binding that is less sensitive to the precise adsorption configuration and allows a range of ordered surface patterns. In contrast, substitution of the arenes can lead to strong intermolecular forces within the film and amplified substituent-substrate interactions that strictly define the adsorption configuration and film pattern. In this contribution we present the pattern formation of anthracene on Cu(111) and show how addition of thiol and carbonyl groups can vary the resultant surface pattern. For each case we investigate the chemical and physical interaction underlying the pattern formation using a combination of variable temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging and density functional theory (DFT) simulation.