AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Nanometer-scale Science and Technology | Tuesday Sessions |
Session NS-TuM |
Session: | Nanomanufacturing and Nanomachines |
Presenter: | J.N. Randall, Zyvex Labs |
Authors: | J.N. Randall, Zyvex Labs J.B. Ballard, Zyvex Labs J.R. Von Ehr, Zyvex Labs J. Alexander, Zyvex Labs R. Saini, Zyvex Labs J.W. Lyding, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign R.M. Wallace, Univ. of Texas at Dallas Y.J. Chabal, Univ. of Texas at Dallas R.M. Silver, National Inst. of Standards and Tech. J. Gorman, National Inst. of Standards and Tech. N. Sarkar, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada T. Toth-Fejel, General Dynamics |
Correspondent: | Click to Email |
Atomically precise Si fabrication technology is being pursued via atomic-precision, H-depassivation lithography with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and silicon atomic layer epitaxy (ALE). The details of this process and progress towards its realization are published elsewhere. In this presentation we will cover the expected process capabilities, throughput limitations, applications that will be feasible in spite of these limitations, extensions of the processing capabilities, and paths to scaleup of the throughput. Initially the fabrication process will involve simply patterned homo-epitaxy of Si on Si surfaces, but will allow arbitrary three dimensional structures with some design rules imposed by the Si lattice.The limitations imposed by the physics of the H depassivation lithography and the need for repeated patterning is the principal process bottleneck and leads to estimations of a cost per unit volume of atomically precise fabricated material that seems extremely high. However, the ability to create structures with atomic precision will enable very valuable applications and products that can be cost effectively manufactured in the relatively near term. This process, which can be conceived of as spatially controlled deprotection, appears to be general enough to adapt to the large number of materials that may be deposited with ALE or atomic layer deposition (ALD). Further, there are clear paths to scaling up the process via MEMS-based STM scanner arrays that would significantly widen the range of products and applications resulting from this Atomically Precise Manufacturing technology.
This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and Space and Naval Warfare Center, San Diego (SPAWARSYSCEN-SD) under contract N66001-08-C-2040. It is also supported by a grant from the Emerging Technology Fund of the State of Texas to the Atomically Precise Manufacturing Consortium.