AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Biomaterial Interfaces Tuesday Sessions
       Session BI2+AS-TuA

Invited Paper BI2+AS-TuA9
NanoBio Imaging for Cardiovascular Researches

Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 4:40 pm, Room Taos A

Session: Combining Techniques for Biointerface Characterization
Presenter: D.W. Moon, KRISS, Republic of Korea
Authors: D.W. Moon, KRISS, Republic of Korea
T.G. Lee, KRISS, Republic of Korea
J.Y. Lee, KRISS, Republic of Korea
W. Jegal, KRISS, Republic of Korea
S.W. Kim, KRISS, Republic of Korea
Correspondent: Click to Email

NanoScience has been developed to meet the demands on atomic scale characterization and manipulation of materials and devices from semiconductor industries based on the scaling down law. KRISS has been trying to extend the application scope of nanoscience and technology from microelectronics to biomedical areas. Biochemical imaging of cells and tissues is a basic infra-technology in various bio-medical applications. Instead of conventional labeling methodology for bio-molecular imaging with fluorescent dyes, label-free biochemical imaging methodologies for single cells and tissues such as coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and surface plasmon resonance imaging ellipsometer (SPRIE) has been developed and integrated for new biomedical applications, especially for cardiovascular researches.

Preliminary results of nanobio imaging for cardiovascular researches will be reported on the following issues 1) Three-dimensional visualization of atherosclerotic tissue and prompt on-site analysis of chemical profiles by multiplex CARS with intracellular lipids at the single-cell level as well as crystallized cholesterol in necrotic cores. (1) 2) Histological Imaging based on SIMS analysis of myocardial infarction tissues. (2) 3) cell adhesion dynamics of human carotid smooth muscle cells and human umbilical endothelial cells on fibronectin thin films with SPRIE.

Finally, the present status and future challenges of nano-bio technology based on laser, mass spectrometry, and nanoprobe for biochemical imaging of single cells and tissues at KRISS will be discussed for practical applications in bio, medical, and pharmaceutical researches.

(1) "Multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy images intact atheromatous lesions and concomitantly identifies distinct chemical profiles of atherosclerotic lipids", Se-Hwa Kim, Eun-Soo Lee, JaeYong Lee, EunSeong Lee, Bok-Soo Lee, JeongEuy Park ,and DaeWon Moon, Circulation Research, in press (2010)

(2) "ToF-SIMS Analysis of Myocardial Infarcted Tissue", J.-W. Park, M.-J. Cha, H. K. Shon, S.-H. Kim, T. G. Lee, D. W. Moon, and K.-C. Hwang, Surface and Interface Analysis, in press (2010)