AVS 56th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Thin Film Monday Sessions
       Session TF1+PV-MoA

Paper TF1+PV-MoA2
Characterization of Photovoltaic Thin Films Materials Using RF GD-OES and LA ICP-MS

Monday, November 9, 2009, 2:20 pm, Room A8

Session: Chalcogenide Photovoltaics
Presenter: F. Li, Air Liquide - Balazs
Authors: F. Li, Air Liquide - Balazs
S. Anderson, Air Liquide - Balazs
P. Hunault, HORIBA Jobin Yvon
Correspondent: Click to Email

Photovoltaic thin film materials have been characterized by a number of traditional vacuum techniques; Auger, XPS, SIMS, and GD-MS to name only a few. Depth profiles of solar cell modules, contamination in the sputtering targets or surface stoichiometry of photovoltaic thin films are specific application examples which predicate the technique best suited for the data requirement. The evolution of thin films with new chemistries and the importance of surface modification for photovoltaic applications provide a continuing need for thin film analyses along with an avenue for new analytical tools.

In this paper we will discuss the application of two non-traditional surface and material analysis techniques for the photovoltaic solar industry, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (RF GD-OES) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS). The RF GD-OES and LA ICP-MS techniques enable direct analysis and depth profiling of a variety of conductive and nonconductive materials and photovoltaic thin films such as SoGSi, CdTe, CIGS, and TCO. With each technique, the ability to simultaneously depth profile more than 40 elements is possible. RF GD-OES and LA ICP-MS are much faster and more cost effective for depth profiling than SIMS. When using the techniques as an elemental survey technique, each analysis is more sensitive and also much faster than Auger and XPS.

Additional specific advantages of RF GD-OES and LA ICP-MS will also be discussed. Using radio frequency (RF) plasma for analytical signal generation, these techniques do not have the surface equilibrium issues seen with other surface analytical techniques such as SIMS. The charging effect that can cause issues with electron and ion beam techniques is also avoided. Additionally, there are no artifacts in their sputtering processes, especially on the top surface. Therefore, the surface stoichiometry of some solar thin films before and after chemical treatment can be reliably characterized. This feature is extremely important for surface modification projects in an effort to produce far more efficient photovoltaic thin films. Finally both RF GD-OES and LA ICP-MS don’t require any sample preparation unlike GD-MS, thin films and materials can be directly characterized in their natural states against NIST traceable standards.