AVS 55th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session SS-TuM

Paper SS-TuM11
Dynamic Processes in Metalorganic Networks Observed by Time-Resolved STM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 11:20 am, Room 208

Session: Dynamics at Surfaces
Presenter: H.E. Hoster, Ulm University, Germany
Authors: H.E. Hoster, Ulm University, Germany
A. Breitruck, Ulm University, Germany
R.J. Behm, Ulm University, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

Upon vapor deposition of Cu, hydrogen bonded bisterpyridine (BTP) adlayers on graphite are transformed into hexagonal, long-range ordered metal organic coordination networks.1 These are stabilized both by hydrogen bonds and metal-ligand interactions. At Cu coverages below phase saturation, we observed the formation of a chiral 2D structure that contains both Cu-free and Cu-containing BTP trimers. The Cu centers themselves are mobile, and their movement within the organic matrix goes along with local re-arrangements of the BTP molecules, which are found to appear only in a finite number of configurations. Under suitable tunneling conditions, the Cu centers are detectable by STM as bright spots. It is therefore possible to quantitatively derive the frequencies of the distinct elementary Cu hopping events by statistical analysis of long STM sequences. We show how the probability of the distinct events can be rationalized by the initial, transitional, and final local configurations of the BTP molecules surrounding the Cu atoms.

1 A. Breitruck, H.E. Hoster, C. Meier, U. Ziener, R.J.Behm, Surf. Sci. 601 (2007) 4200.