AVS 54th International Symposium
    Plasmonics Topical Conference Tuesday Sessions
       Session PL-TuP

Paper PL-TuP5
Single-Nanoparticle Light-Scattering Spectra of Flat Gold Nanoparticles (FGNPs): A Study of the Effect of Nanoparticle Treatment

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 6:00 pm, Room 4C

Session: Plasmonics Poster Session
Presenter: W.D. Tennyson, The University of Oklahoma
Authors: W.D. Tennyson, The University of Oklahoma
C.E. Allen, The University of Oklahoma
D.S. Hartnett, The University of Oklahoma
M.D. McCutchen, The University of Oklahoma
D.H. Dahanayaka, The University of Oklahoma
L.A. Bumm, The University of Oklahoma
Correspondent: Click to Email

We have investigated the effects of a range of treatments on the surface plasmon modes of individual FGNPs using single-nanoparticle far-field light-scattering spectroscopy. We have explored thermal annealing, surface cleaning, and nanomechanical manipulation of the FGNPs. We can directly measure the effect of the treatments to an individual nanoparticle by correlating the before-and-after spectra with before-and-after microscopy (AFM and SEM). Finding the same nanoparticle again and again can be a significant barrier in correlation, however we have developed a photolithograpically- prepared addressed-grid system to assist finding the particles in multiple measurement platforms. This method also allows facile correlation of the light-scattering spectra to size, shape, thickness, and local environment.