AVS 54th International Symposium
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Monday Sessions
       Session NS-MoM

Paper NS-MoM8
Selecting and Driving Nanoscale Assembly in Monolayer Films through Tailored Intermolecular Interactions

Monday, October 15, 2007, 10:20 am, Room 616

Session: Nanoscale Assembly and Manipulation I
Presenter: T.J. Mullen, Penn State University
Authors: T.J. Mullen, Penn State University
C. Srinivasan, Penn State University
M.J. Shuster, Penn State University
J.N. Hohman, Penn State University
M.W. Horn, Penn State University
A.M. Andrews, Penn State University
P.S. Weiss, Penn State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Active chemical surfaces that selectively capture and separate specific analytes from competitive environments are useful for detecting and isolating complex biological molecules as well as small molecules found in chemical weapons and toxic industrial waste. The development of self- and directed assembly strategies is key to the fabrication of molecularly precise structures for such applications. As the dimensions of patterned surface structures have decreased to the sub-100 nm scale, traditional lithographic techniques have not demonstrated the ability to fabricate reproducible structures over larger areas with molecular-scale organization. We have developed, utilized, and evaluated self- and directed nanoscale assembly strategies to fabricate, to register, and to functionalize chemical surface structures at the supramolecular 1-100 nm scale. We will highlight two hybrid soft-lithography strategies - microdisplacement printing and microcontact insertion printing - where monolayers with specifically tuned intermolecular interactions were engineered and the chemical and physical properties of the resulting patterned structures were characterized on both the ensemble and the molecular scales. Additionally, we will demonstrate that these chemical films can be functionalized with small-molecule probes that selectively capture large biomolecules while resisting nonspecific binding.