AVS 54th International Symposium
    Exhibitor Workshops Wednesday Sessions
       Session EW-WeA

Paper EW-WeA7
Preventing The 10 Most Costly Mistakes in Vacuum Pump Operation

Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 3:40 pm, Room Exhibit Hall

Session: Exhibitor Workshops
Presenter: C. Long, FMG Enterprises
Correspondent: Click to Email

Most pump failures are not caused by the pump. They are usually caused by the tool, facilities, or poor maintenance. This short-course is a must for anyone who wants to avoid such costly mistakes. It will be taught from the perspective of a pump owner that wants to reduce overall pump operating expense. Participants will leave with a check-list, and valuable insights relative to each point. As the result of following course recommendations, participants will be able to raise the uptime available on that pump, and also be able to plan ahead of time when the pump will need to be replaced. This will greatly lower the cost of lost product for the pump owner. We will also briefly discuss: - How to choose the correct pump for the application, - What to do during the installation of the pump, - What to look for, and do while the pump is running, - When, and what PM’s will need to be done to the pumps, - How to determine when a pump should be pulled for maintenance, repair or replacement, And finally why the pump owner should use FMG to maintain their pumps. What FMG can do for you and how FMG can save your company money. How FMG can partner up with your company and allow your company to concentrate on what it does best. Sample Content: 1. Improper lubrication 2. Incorrect exhaust settings 3. Unsuitable temperatures 4. Failure to properly leak-check the system 5. Oil levels and color 6. Untimely or incomplete maintenance 7. Cooling water flow-rates 8. Misaligned O-rings 9. Wrong pump or blower for the application. 10. Not using Certified pumps and technicians