AVS Book Collection: Rare and Special Books
Books owned by AVS and loaned to Jefferson Lab Library
Rare Items
* "Traitez de l'equilibre des liqueurs, et de la pesanteur de la masse de l'air"by Blaise Pascal (Paris, 1664)
Blaise Pascal was a renowned mathematician, known for his contributions in number theory, geometry, and the theory of probability. In this volume Pascal explains his theory on pressure and presents an outline of a hydrostatic system.
* "New experiments and observations touching cold" by Robert Boyle (London, 1683)
* "The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq" (London, 1725)
Robert Boyle was a chemist and natural philosopher. Not only was he known for his theories regarding experimentation but also for his experimental practices. He developed the vacuum pump and helped to found the Royal Society of London, but is best known for Boyle's Law - the pressure of a confined quantity of gas varies inversely with its volume.
* "Technica curiosa sive mirabilis artis" by Gaspar Schott (Nuremberg, 1687)
Gaspar Schott was a professor of mathematics. This work popularized the scientific discoveries of Boyle and von Guericke.
* Baker, E.C. Sir William Preece, F.R.S.
* Barrett, A.S.D. - Progress in vacuum science and technology
* Barry, Frederick The physical treatises of Pascal, Columbia University Press, (1937)
* Bruining, H. Physics and applications of secondary electron emission
* Canby, E.T. - A history of electricity
* Carneal, G. - A conqueror of space
* Carpenter, L.G. Vacuum technology
* Conant, J.B Harvard case histories in experimental science: Robert Boyle's Experiments in Pneumatics, Harvard University Press (1985)
* Dahl, F. - Flash of the cathode rays
* Dummer G.W.A. - Electronic inventions and discoveries
* Elfun Society, - The Steinmetz era
* Florentine Films Production Empire of the air (video)
* Goldmark, P.C. - Maverick inventor
* Grant, Edward - Much ado about nothing; Theories of space and vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution, Cambridge University Press (1981)
* Guthrie, A. & Wakerling, R.K. Vacuum equipment and techniques, McGraw-Hill, New York (1949)
* Hammond, J.W. Men and volts
* Hastings Sanders, C. - The story of Hastings-Raydist
* Jaffe Productions - The Edison effect (video)
* Jehl, F. Menlo Park reminiscence
* Jnanananda, S. High Vacua
* Knowles Middleton, W.E. - The history of the barometer, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore and London (1964)
* Koller, L.R. The physics of electron tubes
* Kurylo F. & Susskind C. - Ferdinand Braun
* Leck, J.J. - Pressure measurement in vacuum systems
* Lodge, Sir Oliver - Past years
* Martin, T.C. - The inventions, researchers and writings of Nikola Tesla
* Knowles Middleton W.E. The experimenters: a study of the Accademia del Cimento, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore and London (1964)
* Miessner, B.F. - On the early history of radio guidance
* Morgan, J. - Electronics in the West
* Optical Instrument Committee The application of metallic fluoride reflection reducing films to optical elements, Frankford Arsenal (1943)
* Pascal, P. Traitez de lequilibre des liqueurs, et de la pesanteur de la masse de lair
* Reich, H.J. - Theory and applications of electron tubes
* Rodis-Lewis, G. Descartes
* Schimank, H. Neue (sogenannte) Magdeburger Versuche uber den leeren Raum
* Scott-Taggart, J. Elementary text-book on wireless vacuum tubes
* Shapin, S & Schaffer, S Leviathan and the air-pump; Hobbes, Boyle and the Experimental Life: Princeton University Press (1985)
* Simonds, W.A. - A boy with Edison
* Thomson, G.P. J.J. Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratory in his day
* Vanderbilt, B.M. Thomas Edison, chemist
* Varian, D. The inventor and the pilot
* Werner, E. Werkstoffkunde der hochvakuumtechnik
* Wolf, A. A history of science, technology and philosophy in the 16th & 17th centuries