AVS Distinguished Lecturers
These were established in 1999 to provide a listing of lecturers who could be invited to speak at chapter meetings, etc.
Robert S. Averback Univ. of Illinois
John W Coburn Univ of California, Berkeley
J. Murray Gibson Argonne National Laboratories
Joseph E. Greene Univ of Illinois
Paul H. Holloway Univ of Florida
Eric Kay IBM Almaden Research Center
Uzi Landman Georgia Inst. of Technology
Theodore E. Madey Rutgers Univ
Terry Michalske Sandia National Laboratories
Buddy D. Rattner Univ. of Washington
John H. Weaver Univ of Illinois
John T. Yates Univ of Pittsburgh
Lawrence L. Kazmerski National Renewable Energy Lab
William D. Sproul Reactive Sputtering Inc.
Cammy Abernathy University of Florida
H. Fred Dylla Jefferson Labs
Mark J Kushner University of Illinois